Camouflage Master and Fastest Fisher Frogfish Anglerfish from Red Sea


Camouflage Master and Fastest Fisher Frogfish Anglerfish from Red Sea OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA

Camouflage Master and Fastest Fisher Frogfish Anglerfish from Red Sea

Can you identify the “sad face” mouth on this frogfish front photo?


Frogfish are just WAY cool and a delight to identify during a dive since they are truly masters of camouflage. I’ve seen them the size of the palm of my hand and big like a basketball.

I’ve seen them in many different colors, the color of dirt, and also completely bright yellow, bright pink or bright orange.

Their pectoral “fins” are far out and stick out like little paddle feet.  I haven’t seen them move much, unlike the Galapagos Batfish who I’ve seen literally running past me looking like a tiny drag queen on the sandy ocean floor bottom (both order Lophiiformes, but batfish are family Ogcocephalidae, and frogfish are (Antennariidae =antenna bearers).  We will feature the Batfish and his ruby red lipstick in a later post). National Geographic feature both fish in

Fastest Dinner Shopping Anywhere!

Make sure to check this link to see the angler anntenna-ish part of the face, and watch the videos on this link to see Frogfish “fishing” in action.  It’s the fastest angling on the planet.  Similar to a frog’s tongue getting a fly, you can see the angler from the frogfish’s forehead uncoil and lash/cast out for their dinner.

 Photo credit Robby Navon, Israel. Michele handed Robby her camera to take this photo, in the Red Sea, at about 30-40 feet underwater.  

This frogfish was bigger than a coffee cup but smaller than a volleyball.


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Michele the Trainer is your Wellness Expert, Motivational and Wellness Speaker, Published Author, Concierge Celebrity Personal Trainer, voted Best Fitness Trainer Los Angeles Daily News 2013/2014. Michele’s success losing 165 pounds holistically and keeping it off since 1998 is very inspirational. Click here for fun free stuff and information from Michele the Trainer


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